Maissy’s Ex-Child Artist Clarifications About the Circulation of Abandoned House Videos


The name of the former child singer, Maissy, has not been heard for a long time, Mother. Maissy is known to be no longer active in the entertainment world. He chose to become a doctor.

But lately, Maissy’s name has been widely discussed on social media because it is said that she did not take care of her house until it was abandoned. This started when there were several Youtube accounts that said that the former child singer’s house became a horror.

Hearing this, Maissy finally made a clarification on her personal Instagram account. Maissy admitted that she had to straighten out this issue because many people had questioned her about the news of the abandoned house.

“FYI, I just made a highlight, because there are still many DMs coming to ask about the abandoned house hoax on YouTube,” said Maissy, quoted from the Instagram page

In Instagram Stories hers, Maissyrepost one of the accounts that says that there are so many accounts YouTube who uploaded a horror house video with Maissy’s name as the owner of the house.

Maissy said that the video was a made-up hoax just to increase the viewer rating.

“A lot of horror content creators make hoaxes carrying the name DR MAISSY so that there are many viewers and video viewers! Please it’s not Dr.’s house. Maissy as a child or her family home,” write one of the accountsrepost by Maisy.

Then, through post In this case, Maissy also clarified that in fact she already knew there was a YouTube account that made abandoned house videos carrying her name.

However, he admitted that he didn’t want to complicate things because he thought that it was just the fault of the account owner who didn’t know the real information. Maissy thought it was just a misunderstanding.

Then, what is Maissy’s response to the number of Youtube accounts that upload videos with similar content? Check out the next page, come on, Mother.

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Also watch the video of Maissy’s story, who was 8 months pregnant and had to treat Covid-19 patients:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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