Make it a crypto Valentine’s Day! 8 gift ideas that you won’t be able to get away with

If you want to surprise your partner on Valentine’s Day, the best choice is to give him something personal instead of the usual chocolates, roses, bears, and balloons. For example crypto! Of course, only if you know that your chosen one is interested in the world of cryptocurrencies, maybe he is a blackmailer himself. In our article, we present 8 gift ideas that are guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of your crypto-loving loved one.

Cryptocurrency gift card

Oh yes, the tried and true I can’t buy anything, so you get a gift card. Even if it seems like an item that you only choose in your final desperation, a gift certificate to a well-known store or, in this case, to be spent on a device, can really bring great joy.

Virtual property

If in the real world we can’t necessarily afford to throw houses when giving gifts, let’s do it in the metaverse! Surprise your partner with a virtual property that you can customize to your liking. Exploring the virtual world can definitely be a good program for the two of you, which even rainy weather can’t ruin.

Valentine's Day


And if you decide on a more special gift that cannot be replaced by anything else, well, we have a perfect tip for you. Whether it’s a work of art, a watch, or shoes, among the NFTs you will surely find a digital token that will make your partner jump for joy.

And those who would like to surprise someone who is a collector themselves, can be sure that there is no greater gift for their loved one than another piece to add to their carefully guarded collection. At the same time, if your partner doesn’t have a NFT yet, you’ll at least make his first piece even more special.

Valentine's Day

Hardware wallet

You don’t want your partner to irresponsibly store his valuables, do you? Just like a good wallet, a secure hardware wallet is essential in the life of a true crypto-believer. Hardware wallets add an extra layer of security to digital assets, protecting users’ cryptocurrency investments from hackers and other cyber attacks.

Valentine's Day

Concert ticket to the metaverse

It may seem that these tips are not really such earth-shattering innovations. In fact, we just make ordinary gifts a little more interesting and exciting by taking them to another universe. Everyone needs a little escape from real life sometimes, and the metaverse offers exactly that.

Valentine's Day

Crypto themed souvenirs

Mugs depicting your favorite team, books about your favorite soccer team, why not continue the line with souvenirs inspired by your favorite cryptocurrency? After all, who said an orange B wouldn’t look as cool on the back of a pajama top as a Nirvana logo?

Valentine's Day

A book about cryptocurrencies

What could be more valuable than knowledge? A good book about digital currencies, investment methods, and possibly more specific sectors of the web3 world can be found on everyone’s shelves. Or if our couple prefers to expand the team that opens a book and immediately turns the pages in the direction of the pictures, a cryptocomic can also be a perfect choice for them.

Valentine's Day


In the event that you prefer to surprise your loved one with an experience instead of a material gift, or if the world of romance is simply too far away from you, and on the occasion of celebrating your love, you would rather spend a quiet afternoon with them in pajamas, munching on popcorn, having a crypto film watching it can be a perfect choice. It may or may not become the start of a new hobby together, but you’ll definitely learn a thing or two about each other’s thinking.

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