Male Breast Health: Causes of Painful Nipples and Gynecomastia

2023-04-19 12:08:00

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Men carry their unfinished and functionless breasts with them their entire lives. And because their breasts are so useless to men, they get very little attention from the male sex either. Many men have never had any breast or nipple problems in their lives.

But in some cases it can nevertheless problems, diseases and complaints with the male breast can occur. Nipple pain in men is the most common. You can read here what this is all about, what causes it can be and why men should pay more attention to their breasts.

Painful male breasts: gynecomastia as a trigger

Gynecomastia is an enlarged male breast. The tissue of the mammary glands grows on one or both sides of the breast. The most obvious symptom of gynecomastia is male breasts. In some sufferers, the growth of the breast is also accompanied by pain. There are then reports of tightness in the chest and painful nipples.

Causes of male breast growth are mostly of a hormonal nature. An imbalance in the hormonal balance in men then stimulates the growth of breast tissue. During certain phases of life and development, gynecomastia is even relatively normal.

newborn have about in most cases enlarged breastsbecause they have absorbed hormones from their mother via the umbilical cord. Even during puberty between 40 and 70 percent of boys experience one normal gynecomastiaprobably triggered by the interaction of hormones such as estrogen and the insulin-like growth factor IGF-1. About a third of men grow older as they age also breasts. The mammary gland tissue then enlarges because of changes in body mass composition and testosterone production in the testicles. Less testosterone and more estrogen-forming fatty tissue then stimulate the development of male breasts.

  • All of these natural signs of growth can cause pain. Sore breasts and tender nipples with normal gynecomastia are no exception.

However There are also pathological forms of gynecomastia. Doctors then speak of “real gynecomastia”. This can have different causes. breast cancer, Hormonmangel or congenital hereditary diseases can stimulate breast growth in men. Certain hormone-active tumors of the germ cells can also give rise to male breasts. Some forms of testicular cancer, for example, send out hormones themselves or influence the production of hormones in the testicles – with the side effect that male breast tissue then also grows.

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breast cancer in men

Breast cancer affects women much more often than men. In 100 cases of breast cancer, only one case is male breast cancer. Annually in Germany about 700 men to breast cancer patients.

Male breast cancer appears to be linked to elevated estrogen levels. Testosterone forms estrogen in adipose tissue in male bodies. The more fatty tissue there is, the more estrogen is formed. A risk factor for male breast cancer is overweight, increased abdominal fat and obesity.

Die most common symptoms at breast cancer in men are palpable lumps and hardening in the breast tissueenlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, painful nipples that grow inward, and fluid leaking from the nipples.

Men are also well advised regularly check their breasts and armpits. Also, watch yourself naked in the mirror regularly. Only those who are familiar with their own anatomy and the peculiarities of the body can detect changes at an early stage. Is one breast suddenly bigger than the other? Have the lymph nodes grown? What do your own nipples look like? All of this can give men information about their own health.

Often harmless causes of nipple pain

Sore nipples in men can also have very mundane causes. One of the most common causes of sore nipples and tender nipples in men is mechanical friction. If textiles rub permanently on the nipples, the sensitive skin layer on the nipples becomes roughened. There are small injuries to the skin layer. It reacts with redness, swelling and pain.

Such painfully sore nipples are not unknown to endurance runners. While jogging over long distances the shirt rubs against the nipples with every step. In the long run, these become hard, sore and sometimes start to bleed. It’s not uncommon for marathon runners to finish with bloody nipples. Tipp: Before long runs, tape your nipples with band-aids or apply petroleum jelly to the nipples.

Clothing, textiles and detergents can trigger nipple pain

Our nipples can react very differently to friction from clothing. How much clothing irritates our skin also depends in large part on the appropriate textiles away. Particularly synthetic fabrics often cause irritation. If these are still soaking wet from sweat, the synthetic fibers quickly chafe the nipples. In the case of hairy male breasts, the effect can be intensified even more if synthetic materials rub against the hair around the nipples.

Also the laundry detergentthat we use can cause allergic skin reactions. Starched shirts, for example, can severely irritate the skin. Certain perfumes and fragrances in detergents or skin care products can be the cause of nipple pain in men.

Home remedies that can help with nipple pain

Depending on the cause and trigger, sore nipples can also be treated with simple home remedies. If you notice that your nipples hurt, especially when you put on freshly washed clothes, try a different detergent. Do your nipples hurt after exercising? Change to other sportswear made from skin-friendly materials or tape your nipples.

Sore nipples and skin irritated by friction heal faster when you apply barrier creams. Also Aloe vera can be of great help in healing broken skin. At the same time, aloe vera has cooling effect a pain-relieving effect.

Learn more: How to use Penaten cream in the intimate area > >

In general, the use of cooling home remedies is recommended for painful nipples. Cold compresses with cottage cheese or in Ice packs wrapped in towels can soothe sensitive and mechanically irritated nipples.

When should you see a doctor?

Sore nipples also happen to men from time to time. In most cases, there are completely harmless causes behind sensitive nipples and painful nipples. Notice one thing though steady worsening of the pain or distinct optical changes in the nipples – if they pull inwards, for example – you should seek medical advice. Also palpable knots and hardening in breast tissue men should not take lightly. Although breast cancer is rare in men, it cannot be completely ruled out.

And Which doctor do men with painful breasts go to?? Men have many options here. The first point of contact can be your own family doctor or family doctor who can carry out initial examinations and possibly make diagnoses. The general practitioner can also make referrals to specialist colleagues. With a referral, men can then be examined in breast centers for precise clarification.

Men have another option for diagnosing and treating chest pain and sore nipples urologists and andrologists. Doctors for men and women primarily deal with the health of men’s kidneys, bladder, ureter, testicles and penis. But since they too Experts in male sexuality, hormone balance and family planning are, the experts know very well what can be hidden behind sore nipples and sensitive nipples. In the case of acute symptoms, you can make appointments directly on the phone in practices, use online portals to book appointments or have a referral issued by your family doctor.

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