Maleja gets her hair shaved at The Box Challenge and asks her sister to make a wig | Coexistence

The stylist who will be in charge of cutting the hair of two men and a woman arrives at the Gamma house. The decision was made by Alpha, after they were victorious in the Challenge of Sentence, Reward and Punishment which took place in the Yellow Box.

Despite the fact that at the beginning, the captain of the orange team stated that she would not shave her hair because felt emotionally handicapped in the end he decided to do it as a show of strength to his group. She tearfully asked them to make her look change so that she could donate her hair to her sister who is currently suffering from cancer.

The time has come for the Desafío The Box fulfill the most awaited date for viewers! This time, it will be a more special meeting not only because the city of boxes was renewed, grew, and became more demanding, but also because the Challenge is turning 18 years old.

The reality of Colombia has come of age and there are few programs in the world that achieve this feat. Tobia, Cundinamarca, will be the amazing place that receives these athletes from different specialties.

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