Managing Diabetes: Understanding Symptoms, Treatment Options, and Preventing Complications

2023-09-25 16:00:00

Diabetes usually has an incubation period of 3 to 5 years from the initial stage to the onset of symptoms. If the patient is diagnosed with the disease through physical examination, the condition is generally not too serious. Adjusting diet and taking appropriate medication can stabilize blood sugar. However, for patients with severe symptoms such as extreme weight loss, frequent thirst, and blood sugar soaring to more than ten degrees, diet combined with oral medications may not be effective. Only insulin injections can effectively control blood sugar.

Some people with type 2 diabetes worry that after taking insulin, they will have to live with insulin injections for the rest of their lives. Is this true? In fact, many patients are already in serious condition when they first seek treatment. High blood sugar makes them tired easily and their vision is blurred. At this time, they must be treated with oral medications and insulin injections at the same time. Fortunately, most patients are treated for two to three months. The effect can be seen after treatment. Even if the blood sugar cannot reach the target immediately, the symptoms of frequent urination or fatigue are often improved. After the condition stabilizes, the doctor will gradually reduce or stop insulin injections and switch to oral medication. In fact, everyone’s condition is different. Not everyone needs to rely on long-term insulin injections to control blood sugar at the beginning of the disease.

The main concern of high blood sugar is complications, which is the biggest nightmare for patients and the situation that doctors least like to see.

Diabetic complications are divided into two levels: microvascular and macrovascular. Microvascular diseases include diabetic eye disease, diabetic kidney disease and peripheral neuropathy. Macrovascular diseases include stroke, heart disease or lower extremity vascular disease. In the long run, male patients may also suffer from sexual dysfunction. In addition to wounds that are difficult to heal and prone to sores, poor immunity can easily lead to pneumonia or tuberculosis. Elderly people may fall into coma if their blood sugar suddenly rises.

Shi Mingyao

#Shi #Mingyao #Diabetics #afraid #complications #Mingyanjianfang

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