Manolis Mavromatis: Restrained smiles 2024-02-22 05:15:11

According to his information Eleftherostypos.grManolis Mavromatis shows a significant improvement in his health, as a result of which the doctors of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the General Government, made the decision to start the effort to wake him up.






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It is a gradual and time-consuming process that started today Wednesday (21/2) and will be completed in the next 24 hours and has the ultimate goal of extubating the patient and making him independent from mechanical support.

On the other hand, the wife Irini Mavrommati, who is hospitalized in the Burns Unit of the same hospital, remains in a critical and stable condition in the Burns Unit and has severe burns on 40% of her body.

At the moment it shows neither deterioration nor improvement, however, in any case the central ICU of the Hospital is ready to take over if required.

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#Manolis #Mavromatis #Restrained #smiles

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