Manu Burkart of Divertimento Duo Talks Pressure of Last Tour and Future Plans

2024-01-12 12:54:15

Published12. January 2024, 1:54 p.m

Comedian duo: “Litten like hell”: Manu Burkart on the last Divertimento tour

The comedian duo Divertimento recently announced their end. Manu Burkart now talks about the pressure caused by the last tour.

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Comedian duo Divertimento is on tour with their last stage show.


According to Manu Burkart, the pressure is greater than ever before.


After Divertimento, Manu would like to devote more time to his wife Michèle.


  • Manu Burkart (46) and Jonny Fischer (44), aka Divertimento, are quitting.

  • The comedians are touring Switzerland with their last stage program “Bucket List”.

  • Burkart talks about how much he suffers from the pressure of the dernière and what he wants to do after Divertimento.

In September, the comedy duo Divertimento announced they were leaving the stage. Manu Burkart (46) now talks about the pressure he felt during the last tour.

Im «SI.Talk» the comedian reveals that starting the stage program “Bucket List” was not easy. «The first ten shows were extremely strict. We doubted ourselves and suffered like crazy,” said the Zurich resident. That’s why he couldn’t enjoy the performances at all. «After the premiere you get feedback about where there are holes in the number. Then you have to work on it every evening and optimize it,” says the father of three.

The pressure of the last Divertimento tour is so great

Both Manu and Jonny are perfectionists on stage. In the meantime, they have found their flow and can let themselves go more in the show. «I am extremely satisfied with the program. “The pressure has never been greater because it’s the last tour,” he reveals.

Both physically feel the consequences of the tour. “We clearly notice that we are no longer 30, but over 40. We have to train like athletes so that we survive the tour uninjured.” For example, Burkart’s elbows hurt after a particularly active performance. “Our program is actually too crazy for our age,” he says.

Divertimento’s definitive end is not yet fixed

Manu and Jonny have known each other for 25 years. «We live like in a marriage. And like in a marriage, there are things that annoy you about your partner and things that you admire,” says Burkart. They had their problems, especially at the beginning. “With our success, we began to get annoyed by our counterpart’s weaknesses,” he says in the podcast. He was extremely dominant on stage, Manu said self-critically. When he sees his old performances, he is shocked at how loud he was.

Meanwhile, mutual appreciation is greater than ever. «We have announced the end of Divertimento. But as long as we have an audience, this can only end in five or six years,” he says. What will happen next for Burkart is still uncertain: “I would like to go back into education and work with children. Maybe in the area of ​​social media addiction.” But he is not completely turned away from the stage, whether as a comedian or musician.

Manu Burkart would like to spend more time at home

Manu would also like to pay more attention to family life: “When Divertimento is completely over, one option would be for me to be at home for a year and try to take care of the household. My wife wants to work more. But that wasn’t possible with the children.” The togetherness with his partner Michèle has also been neglected in recent years.

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