Mark abdominals and show off a flat stomach with only 30 seconds of this exercise

Summer is coming and with it the hours of sun, beach and swimming pools and one of the goals of a large number of people is to be able to show off a toned, well-defined and fat-free abdomen. This can become a frustrating task when you don’t see the progress you want, but there is a type of exercise that, always combined with a healthy and balanced dietcan be very useful to get in shape in a few weeks.

This activity is known as planchas or ‘planks’with which numerous muscles of the body are exercised with one’s own weight, but which focuses more directly on those of the abdominal fajathat is, those that make up the ‘six-pack’.

The iron is a type of very intense and demanding exercise that requires a very particular technique and posture and, for it to be effective, you have to maintain the effort and contract the area of ​​the body to be worked on. Thus, the most normal thing is that at first it costs more than usual to take the position and hold on but, little by little, the changes in the abdomen are noticed, since it has a great impact on this area, so they are ideal for marking abs and reducing belly fat.

Planks, the best exercise to mark abdominals and reduce fat

There are different ways to perform this exercise and all of them are effective for working on the abdominal area, but it is important to know the technique well before performing them. For this, it is recommended consult with a trainer and do them in front of a mirror to monitor posture.


front plank


Lie face down on a mat.


Support your body weight on your forearms and toes. The arms should remain bent and below the shoulders.


Squeeze your shoulder blades together and extend your spine so your body is fully upright.


Press your thighs up and straighten your heels.


Stay in this position for 30 seconds, rest and perform about 6 repetitions.

Front plank with leg raise


Front plank with leg raise


Lie face down on the mat.


Maintain the same position as in the front plank with the only difference that you must raise one leg.


Stay in this position for 30 seconds and switch legs.


Do 3 reps.

side plank


side plank


Lie down on a mat and support yourself on one side of your body with your leg and forearm.


Exert strength and raise your body in such a way that all the weight is distributed between the forearm and the foot on that side.


Hold this position for 30 seconds and switch sides.


You must perform at least 3 repetitions.

Side Plank with Leg Raise


Side Plank with Leg Raise


Get into the same position as the side plank.


To add more difficulty, lift your top leg.


Hold this position for 30 seconds and switch sides.


Do this exercise 3 times.

In addition to strengthening the abdominal area, this exercise allows activate the leg and shoulder muscles. Thus, it is ideal for all those people who spend hours in front of the computer screen or who have back problems. Likewise, they do not require any type of material and can be done at home in a comfortable and simple way. However, you have to follow the advice of experts to avoid injuries and get maximum results.

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