Mark Hamill Invents a New Force Superpower to Justify a Disastrous Star Wars Camera Trick

2023-05-29 20:30:58

To the saga Star Wars It is more alive than ever today thanks to the series and future projects that will continue to increase the history of this franchise, but it is true that the most staunch fans continue to yearn for the essence of the original trilogy that appeared over the years. 80. One of these movies was Return of the Jedi, where we saw the Mark Hamill more experienced in the middle of a war of astral proportions.

However, despite the enormous number of action scenes in this film, many were left with a rather funny goof that included Luke Skywalker. It turns out that, during the first bars of the movie where the Jedi has to rescue Princess Leia from Jabba’s clutches, Luke hits him with a blow. pretty fake kick to one of the Hutt soldiers, which caused the actor a good pan of jokes from that moment on.

Well, Mark Hamill has finally responded to this moment explaining as a joke that he has such a power with force who is capable of dealing these types of blows to his enemies: “How could anyone be upset by my much celebrated and perfectly executed Force Kick?!”, Hamill responded to a fan.

In the end, the American actor used movie magic to respond to a shooting error, something like when in The Simpsons they ask Xena about some script errors in the series: A magician did it. Of course, it is a resource that works perfectly for any type of situation, since it clears up the doubts of the most staunch fans in a few seconds and avoids problems that lead to more unanswered questions.

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#Mark #Hamill #Invents #Force #Superpower #Justify #Disastrous #Star #Wars #Camera #Trick

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