Marriage lasted two days, a thousand guests attended, 1,800 cases of beer were bought and 8 orchestras sang | videos | Lime | on everyone’s lips | rmmn | EDITION

Domingo and Jazmín got married last weekend at a big party in Lima. The celebration lasted two days, was attended by 1,000 guests, was enlivened by eight orchestras and 1,800 cases of beer were drunk.

At least four rounds of 300 cases, 1,200 cases of beer. For tomorrow there are 600 boxes in the other store. This is how the people of Puno are”, commented a guest to ‘En Boca de Todos’.

According to the conductor Tula Rodríguez, among the orchestras that enlivened the wedding were: Los Puntos del amor, Rosita de Espinar, Estrella Torres, Susan del Perú, the band La Primerísima del Perú, the band Expresion Perúamong others.

Palpa Marriage Puno style in Lima

According to the aforementioned medium, the couple planned for four years what their marriage would be like. After so many preparations and forming a family, they decided to finalize their union by throwing the house out the window.

“The party ended at 7 pm on Sunday. For dinner we had pork steak with Arabic rice”said the bride Jasmine.

Asked about where they will go on their honeymoon, the spouses indicated that they still do not have a chosen destination. However, they took the opportunity to thank their guests for the gifts and tokens of love on that special day.

“I enjoyed the company of the family. I hope they enjoyed it too.” Sunday commented.

In the images released by the aforementioned medium, it can be seen that the couple received dozens of gifts, including pots, washing machines and other types of appliances, as well as cash. “I’m giving them S/500”commented a guest.

In this type of wedding, the spouses can raise more than S / 100 thousand. Although when they have to be invited to a marriage of this style, they must also bring ostentatious gifts.

The girlfriend Jasmine even joked that she now has four identical washing machines at home and that this type of situation often occurs. She though she didn’t mention what she would do with the items she had repeated.


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