Martín Menem confirms that he will choose his diet in La Rioja, as he did in the last two years

2024-02-24 16:43:44

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menemconfirmed that he will maintain his position of raffled off his diet among the citizens of La Rioja, just as he did when he was a provincial deputy, but explained that he has not yet specified it because he could not travel to the province due to his task as head of the legislative body.

”I promised to draw my salary. I did it as a provincial deputy and now I am doing it as a national deputy. I have not been able to return to La Rioja yet, in all this time, due to the activity of the Chamber,” Menem said in an interview with the Télam agency.

Martín Menem confirms that he will choose his diet in La Rioja, as he did in the last two years

When asked if he had many differences with his uncle, the late former president Carlos Menem, and with his father, former senator Eduardo Menem, the head of Deputies responded: “I listen a lot to my father who shared moments with Dr. Menem, with Carlos , my uncle. I have never had anything to do with politics until two years ago. We may have different views on some issues but we are aware that Argentina has gone backwards in the last 20 years.”

In that sense, Menem pointed out that in the last decade “a story has been permanently constructed but people live worse and worse. So, obviously, beyond coming from a political family, there is an urgent need to try another recipe.”

”The situation warrants taking other types of measures and that is what I believe is happening. That’s why, out there, some are surprised or a little paralyzed when they see some issues that are being handled,” he stated and considered that “we have to do something different and we have to try another recipe because if we do the same, the result will be different.” to be the same.”

martin menem deputies

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