Marvel actress confessed that she suffers from a rare disease (+ video)

She said that the ridicule she has received made her depressed.

The British actress who participated in the Marvel series ‘She-Hulk’, Jameela Jamil, confessed that she suffers from a rare genetic disease, the symptoms of which generated ridicule on the networks.

In a video posted on Tiktok, you can see how the 36-year-old actress stretches the skin of her face more than normal and assures that it is not an application, nor a filter, but a rare disease. Also, she shows how her arm is bent excessively.

“The reason why it is very elastic [la piel] It’s because I have something called EDS,” the actress clarifies in her video, referring to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a “very serious condition that affects every part of my body. It even affects the mind,” she adds.

This disease “affects bruising, bleeding and scarring”, as well as pregnancy. It indicates that migraines are suffered, the teeth are more difficult to care for and that the joints may be dislocated.

In addition, he mentions that he has developed random allergies for no reason, so he has to carry an epinephrine auto-injector with him everywhere because he doesn’t know when he might have an allergy to “his favorite foods” and that he doesn’t smoke, drink or do drugs, because with this syndrome his health is already at a disadvantage.

“On the internet they made fun of me and my health problems, and that made me suicidal for a while,” Jamil wrote on Instagram* below the video, in which he explains the symptoms of the disease that he was diagnosed with at the age of 9.

In the publication, Jamil states that he no longer talks about his health problems very often due to the constant ridicule on the networks, however, he urges users to raise awareness about the disease and save lives.

What is known about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?

EDS is a group of hereditary disorders that affect the connective tissue, especially the joints and the skin, causing hypermobility, that is, the joints move more than normal, hyperextensibility, that is, the skin stretches a lot , tissue fragility, musculoskeletal pain and gum disease.

Currently, there are 13 subtypes of this syndrome that can occur in both men and women of all races and ethnicities. In addition, it is characterized by the fact that its behavior is different in each person.

According to statistics, 1 in 2,500-5,000 people suffer from EDS, however, clinical experience suggests that it may be more common.

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