“Matera always sought excellence and was a maker of community medicine”

Dr. Pablo Casella He was in The Agora in National Radio and talked with John Ignatius Guarino about him Dr. Raul Materaa doctor who gives his name to the clinic in Bahia that he directs today.

Carrillo’s disciple and his search for excellence

The doctor. Casella he referred to tour of Dr. Raúl Matera:

“Lo would define as someone who I always seek excellence and was a doer of community medicine. Disciple of Ramon Carrillowhom we have as primary health reference. He was a doctor who took the neurosurgery specialtyand throughout his life, even when militated politically, he was doing things, since college. He was an outstanding student at the UBA, he was a university professor and he formed institutes for the study of neurosurgery and psychiatry. ”

He also counted several details about the complex specialty that Matera chose:

“The neurosurgery it was a highly selected specialty, it was necessary to work with people’s brains with a technology that was totally different from today’s. They have been pioneers and it is remarkable because his entire career as a doctor was an innovator. Much of what we have today, we owe to them.”

“In 1971 he became Head of Neurosurgery at the Italian Hospital, and formed the first residencies in this specialty, which was very important, because someone with his knowledge was also dedicated to training other specialists.”

Political militancy and health

Dr. Casella reviewed the political trajectory of the honored doctor, and the fact that, although with some shocks, he had a very close link with Perón:

Politics and medicine occurred at the same time. He began to be a soldier in Peronism very young. His relationship with Perón was not always good, although very close. When Perón falls in ’55, together with a group of young people and professionals, among whom were Scalabrini Ortiz and Jauretche, they begin to form a party that tries to rescue the Peronist doctrine (neoperonismo), and that generated some friction with the General.”

He sought to be a candidate for the intransigent Radical Civic Unionand had its ups and downs in Argentine politics:

“When verticalism appears, during Isabel’s government, he positions himself as anti-verticalist. Later with the dictatorship, he also fights against anti-Peronism. After that, he disappears from politics and devotes himself much more to medicine. He returns in ’83, with the Doctrinal Reaffirmation movement, which rescued the Peronist doctrine. At that moment, he loses the intern with Luder. Throughout that time, Matera moved away from politics a little and returned again in ’89 to the Secretary of Science and Technology, and took charge of Conicet until she died in ’94. ”

Dr. Matera and local trade unionism

Casella also told a bit about the strong bond that Matera had with the commercial employees in Bahía Blanca:

There was close relationship between Matera and trade unionistsincluding business employees. Here he had a relationship with one of the leaders of the Commercial Employees Association, Crisol.”

“Several decades ago he came to Bahia and operated on patients affiliated with the union.”

explained a bit of the genesis of the local clinic that he runs todayand which bears his name:

“The Clinic appears in ’97. On March 6, 1997, Minister Mussi was brought the first temporary authorization and our Clinic appears there as the “Dr. Matera Health Center”, and in April of the same year, the first medical address appears.

The People’s Health Forum

Dr. Box participates in the Popular Health Forum, along with 88 other health professionals and personnel who share the same vision:

“In the forum we are a group of health workers, professionals and not. We started a long time ago We identify a lot with Ramos Carrillo and all his workbrings us together the same premise: Work taking into account that health is a right. All those who take that as a flag are welcome in the popular forum. It started as a very small group of doctors and became 88 active militants, with about 25/30 adherents.”

Our intention is to have an activity close to people, and that is what tomorrow’s session is about. We thought it was a good date, in homage to Eva, to get closer to the people who are whom our work is directed. The theme of the Day is Health and Oral Hygiene. This issue that has prevention as its central axis, which is very important because the problem of hygiene and oral health is not only in the mouth, this chronically can generate very serious problems, which are systemic and affect the entire body.”

The Day of Health and Oral Hygiene will develop the next Saturday 7 in France 2227, Villa Nocito at 10:30 am.

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