“Matriona’s House” at the Amateur Theater Festival

“Matriona’s House” at the Amateur Theater Festival

The Theatrical Group “Thermoskopio” of the Association of Kefallen in Patras, presents – in a pan-Hellenic first – on Friday, September 20 at 9:00 in the evening at the Old Slaughterhouses, as part of the Amateur Theater Festival section, Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s play, “Matriona’s House” .

The play is a free theatrical adaptation of the short story of the same name, by the philologist Andromachi Giannopoulou and directed by Christos Bayraktari.

Solzhenitsyn in the three novellas contained in the work delves into the characters of his people with infinite love, even when he wears the mask of sympathetic irony. His compassion for the world of the humble and the oppressed, his love for justice and freedom, sometimes timid, sometimes open, and the purely aesthetic virtues, obvious at first glance, give Solzhenitsyn’s work a leading position in the literature of the century us.


In the 1950s, the mathematics teacher Ignatich retires to a Russian province, after 10 years in a gulag, to live a new life in the peaceful and pure Russian nature, hosted by Matryona, an old peasant woman, who will accept to offers him shelter and to share the loneliness and the
her humble food with him.

“Matriona’s House” at the Amateur Theater Festival

Coefficients: Direction – lighting – Christos Bayraktaris, Original music – Christos Yiannopoulos, Costumes Dressing Room – DIPETHE PATRON, Costume advice – Theodora Tsoulou, Assistant – director – Machi Antonopoulos
The roles are performed by: Matryona Vasilievna – Dionysia Karabourniotis, Ignatits – Dimitris Georgandopoulos, Massa – Machi Antonopoulou, Fadei – Giorgos Claudatos, Lipkova – Ioanna Vasilakopoulou.
Sister 1st, wife of the president-Elena Kouklis, Sister 2nd – Zeta Tsakalogianni, Sister 3rd – Penny Zarkada, Kira-Athina Kaliakouda, Driver, shoemaker-Mihalis Kokkinos, Policeman, Ivan-Spyros Praras, Old Man – Andreas Mazarakis, Musician on stage (mandolin ), Dimitra Apsomotou.


#Matrionas #House #Amateur #Theater #Festival



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