Maxis Studio is working on modernizing The Sims graphics engine


The job posting posted by EA’s Maxis Studios is looking for an experienced rendering engineer who will be tasked with improving the game engine used in The Sims. The nominee will be responsible for making a number of improvements to The Sims graphics engine, hinting at potential future plans for Maxis Studios’ flagship franchise.

Maxis Studios is best known for its long-running life simulation series The Sims, which has defined the genre since 2003. Maxis Studios is also known for its popular SimCity city-building game series, as well as Spore, which models life from the cellular stage to galactic society. The Sims series is hugely popular due to its extensive customization options and the depth with which it allows players to manage their Sims’ lives. Sims can pursue hobbies, pursue careers, marry, grow old, and reproduce, leading to a storyline in which various residents live their lives.

A job posting posted by Maxis Studios suggests that Maxis intends to improve The Sims engine both visually and performance-wise. We are talking about the position of a senior rendering engineer, whose main task will be to modernize the graphics engine to improve performance and image quality on more modern equipment. This position requires a candidate with at least six years of professional programming experience and at least one AAA game under his belt on multiple platforms. Experience with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S is required, which includes reworking The Sims 4 for new consoles or the possibility of releasing The Sims 5 on consoles.

The Sims 4 has been around for an impressive eight years since its launch in 2014 and continues to release new content such as the upcoming High School Years expansion scheduled for July. However, The Sims 4 is starting to show its age after The Sims franchise has lasted twice as long at the helm as previous titles. Despite this, Maxis Studios does not slow down development, releasing dozens of expansions and game packs that bring many new features.

Maxis Studios is hiring programmers to modernize The Sims graphics engine – a great sign for the future of The Sims, as The Sims 4’s modernized visual overhaul could greatly spice up an aging life sim. This upgraded engine will almost inevitably become part of The Sims 5 development process, so fans may finally see some hints of the next sequel in the future.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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