Mayor MR of Braine-le-Château, Alain Fauconnier, died

Involved at the political level in municipal life since 1994, alderman from his first election then mayor since 2012 under the banner of the local movement Renouveau brainois, Alain Fauconnier had formalized his membership of the MR in 2016 and had been re-elected as mayor of Braine- le-Château in 2018 with more than 1,300 votes. “Alain will have left his mark on municipal politics for 27 years. We are losing a great man”, indicates the municipality of Braine-le-Château this Saturday on social networks. The Mayor of Castellobrain had led a professional career within the UCB company and was particularly appreciated for his sense of dialogue.

“Alain was a man who put all his energy into his town of Braine-le-Château. The emotion is strong. First alderman and then mayor since 2012, Alain Fauconnier will leave a great void. He was a man of consensus, a wise man who was always looking for compromise. We are losing a beautiful person. I am thinking of his family to whom I offer my most sincere condolences”, reacts the president of the MR federation of Walloon Brabant, Jean-Paul Wahl, saying to himself ” deeply sad.”

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