Media hostile to doctors – Budapester Zeitung – 2024-03-12 14:17:20


Six out of seven doctors perceive an anti-doctor mood in the media. This was revealed by an anonymous online survey conducted by the chamber, in which almost five thousand doctors took part.

Péter Álmos, President of the Hungarian Medical Association (MOK), said in a statement that doctors often appear in the news for accepting thank-you money. On the other hand, however, the media hardly presents any positive examples. The proportion of negative news about doctors is said to have increased by 100-120% compared to 2019. Public opinion draws a connection between the loss of thank-you money, the loss of motivation among doctors and the ever-growing waiting lists.

Depressive symptoms

The survey now shows that there is no causal connection between the abolition of parasolvency and the loss of motivation. Only 12% of respondents said their income had decreased. Álmos added that a significant number of doctors never accepted thank-you money at all. In addition, it is not the salary that is primarily decisive for the motivation of doctors, but rather the working conditions, where unfortunately there are serious problems. More than half of the doctors are “moderately” or “to a lesser extent” motivated. 38% of them showed depressive symptoms.

Little money, lousy working conditions

MOK Secretary General Tamás Svéd explained that the chamber was still against thank-you money and that such investigations were legitimate. The fact is, however, that the procedures initiated showed in most cases that no thank you money was accepted. Although there is no absolute shortage of personnel, the distribution of doctors is not even and the number of skilled workers is below the optimum. The monthly income of two thirds of respondents from the public health service is between 700,000 and 1.5 million forints. In private healthcare, doctors reported incomes of up to 2 million forints. 38% of doctors would consider a salary a quarter higher and a further 22% a salary half higher as appropriate. Three quarters of SV doctors are dissatisfied with the working conditions. In the private sector this proportion does not even reach 10%.

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