Medicine is a service vocation, according to Julio Fraomeni

The vocation is what commands

When a child is little, they are always asked what they would like to be when they grow up. Some respond that they want to be firefighters, another that they would like to write books, the little ones say teacher. And many answer that they want to be doctors, like their father or grandfather.

The curious thing about all these answers is that they have the same root: caring for the other, helping or protecting.

The medicine It is a vocation of service whose deep goal is to save lives, cure any disease or help to have a better quality of life if any pathology is not fully cured.

Galeno salud has had its own name and weight for many years. Not in vain is it one of the most prestigious prepaid in Argentina.

Private medicine by itself would not fulfill an optimal function, since it requires the incorporation of other underlying elements that enhance it much more. In this instance, the need to think about extending its services emerges as a concern.

When the associate looks for someone to support a fortuitous health situation, what he does is repair an integrated service.

Julio FraomeniIn his incessant display of ideas and search for improvement in the services he provides at Galeno, his prepaid medicine company, he plunged into the creation of a private health system with benefits that result in a homogeneous unit.

From this resource he builds a group of his own sanatoriums as well as Medical Centers.

From this prerogative, 7 sanatoriums take effect:

+ Sanatoriums of the Trinity Palermo.

+ Trinidad Miter Sanatoriums.

+ Trinidad Quilmes Sanatoriums.

+ Sanatoriums of the Trinidad San Isidro -Thames.

+ St. Isidro’s Trinity Sanatoriums – Fleming.

+ Sanatoriums of Trinidad Ramos Mejía.

+ Trinidad Dupuytren Sanatoriums.

In the same way and under a similar concept, it also creates the following Medical Centers:

+ Trinity Medical Center Palermo.

+ Trinity Medical Center Miter.

+ Trinity Medical Center

+ Trinidad Quilmes Medical Center.

+ Trinity St. Isidore Fleming Medical Center.

+ Trinidad Ramos Mejía Medical Center.

+ Trinity Medical Center North Ward.

+ Dupuytren Outpatient Clinics.

Having two vocations and that both can join together to make a solid and first-rate company out of a health system speaks of how visionary and competent its manager is: Julio Fraomeni.

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