Meinl-Reisinger: Neos ready for government responsibility

She said in the APA interview that we are already “well positioned” and “determined to take responsibility” for this year’s National Council election. An early election date would not catch the Pinks off guard, said Meinl-Reisinger: “We are like the Boy Scouts: always ready!”

The National Council is regularly elected in the fall. Recently there was speculation that the ÖVP was toying with bringing forward the vote to May. “Then we would just have to bring forward the list creation,” says Meinl-Reisinger. But if you look at how the government factions are throwing insults at each other in the investigative committees and how there is a standstill on important reforms, it would really be better not to keep the citizens waiting any longer.

The list creation for the Pinks will follow the usual three-stage system, with online primary voting, party executive board and general meeting. The primary elections are currently scheduled for March, and the list should be available on April 20th.

“Income and expenses are disclosed”

In addition, you will start the election year debt-free, emphasized Meinl-Reisinger. It will be possible to “contest well” the total of six ballots with EU and National Council elections as well as two state parliament and local council elections. “And what I can promise is that we will of course make this transparent again, that income and expenses will be disclosed,” said the Neos boss. Every taxpayer has the right to have the parties accountable for what they do with the money.

“We have professionalized ourselves very conscientiously in recent years and positioned ourselves in such a way that we said we are ready to take on responsibility, with very concrete solutions for the people in Austria,” emphasized the Neos boss. This has recently “lost sight” in local politics. The governing parties ÖVP and Greens, but also the SPÖ, seemed “burnt out”. The Neos are concerned with strengthening Austria as a location and competitiveness again, advancing education and, above all, relieving the tax burden on people.

Meinl-Reisinger named the most important measure as reducing the tax rate to 40 percent. An absolute no-go for the Pinks is further tax increases: “Additional taxes are out of the question for us.” The center is “extremely under pressure” anyway.

“FPÖ addresses many issues correctly”

The Neos boss explained that she recognizes overlaps with all parties, including the FPÖ. Although one cannot imagine a coalition with the Freedom Party, “but there are overlaps in terms of content,” said Meinl-Reisinger: “The FPÖ addresses many issues correctly.” However, they lack the will to work together and the Freedom Party does not present any solutions: “So, shouting about what the problem is is one thing, but we also offer solutions.” She also rejects liberal visions such as “Fortress Austria” or “Öxit”.

On the other hand, Meinl-Reisinger doesn’t believe in an “alliance of constructive forces” brought into play by Green Party leader and Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler in order to prevent Herbert Kickl from becoming Chancellor: “I believe that ‘everyone against Kickl’ doesn’t solve a problem. ” Such announcements would make Kickl stronger and stronger. “That’s exactly the battery he wants to connect to,” said Meinl-Reisinger: “I would like to turn it around and say, where are the points where the FPÖ would be willing to work together.”

Meinl-Reisinger also doesn’t consider Federal President Van der Bellen’s “a priori statement” a year ago that he was open to swearing in Kickl as chancellor to be “wise.” At the same time, she pointed out that there is no automatic rule that the strongest party appoints the chancellor, but that they must also seek a majority. “It takes a willingness on all sides to work together constructively.”

Don’t be afraid of small parties

Meinl-Reisinger doesn’t believe that the emergence of any small parties such as the KPÖplus or the Beer Party, which are barely close to the 4 percent threshold in surveys, could harm the Neos: “I’m very self-confident.” According to the Neos leader, she understands anyone who wants to show the government parties or the “burnt-out old parties” the middle finger: “But I believe that protest alone does not bring a solution.” Meinl-Reisinger is also not afraid of his own list from the long-time VP EU MP and current Vice President of the EU Parliament, Othmar Karas: “Fear is not a good advisor. I know what I stand for, I know what my offer is. We’re well positioned and we’re ready.” She is also constantly in conversation with Karas, after all they have known each other for a long time: “And as far as I know, he hasn’t decided yet.”

EU election: Brandstätter as the top candidate

Meinl-Reisinger formulates two mandates as a goal for the EU elections. The bigger question, however, is whether the “tipping point” can be stopped; after all, the nationalists in many countries are facing a strengthening. “I’m very worried about that.” The Neos will finalize the list of candidates for the EU elections on January 27th at a general meeting in Rankweil in Vorarlberg. Meinl-Reisinger has already thrown his support behind MP Helmut Brandstätter as the top candidate. The Neos boss said he “strongly” supports the pink Europe position: “And he credibly stands for ensuring that this freedom and our model, our ‘European way of life’, is preserved for the next generation.”


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