Melania Trump reacts to the attack on Donald Trump

On the social network X the first one was announced Melania Trump’s reaction to the attack on her husbandformer President Donald Trump, which occurred yesterday, Saturday.

Melania called “overcome hatred and the simple ideas that generate violence” and described the author of the attack as “a monster“.

It should be noted that Trump’s wife remained silent yesterday after the attack on Donald, who was Shot in the right ear.

This Sunday, in a statement released on X, she said: “When I saw that violent bullet hit my husband Donald, I realized that My life, and Barron’s (son of both), were on the brink of devastating change“.

Trump attack: Melania calls attacker “a monster”

“I’m grateful to the brave secret agents and law enforcement who risked their lives to protect my husband.”

He expressed his solidarity with the families of the victims of “this atrocious act.”

A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine tried to extinguish Donald’s passion, his laughter, his naivety, his love of music and his inspiration.”

“Las central facets of my husband’s life, their human side, were buried under the political machine.”

“Donald, the generous and loving man with whom I have been with through the best and worst of times.”

Melania asked not to forget that “diverse opinions, Politics and political games are inferior to love.”

Melania Trump sends a message of unity and overcoming hatred

He assured that love, compassion, kindness and empathy are needs and launched a call to “unite again, to overcome hatred“.

The former model, who has remained out of the spotlight during Trump’s current campaign For the Presidency, he said that beyond left and right, red and blue, “we all come from families with the passion to fight together for a better life.”

He called to “unite again, to overcome hatred, vitriol (bitterness) and The simple ideas that generate violence. We all want a world where respect is paramount, family comes first and love transcends.”

Finally, He thanked those who came forwardbeyond the political division.”

“Thank you for remembering that every politician is a man or woman with a loving family.”

#Melania #Trump #reacts #attack #Donald #Trump
2024-07-28 05:39:11



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