“Meloni satisfied of her innocence” –

Antonio Tajani, International Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, was a visitor on the Could twenty first episode of Otto e mezzo, a La7 speak present hosted by Lilli Gruber. The primary matter addressed was that regarding Chico Forti’s return to Italy: “It was a non-public assembly between Chico Forti and Giorgia Meloni. Meloni has at all times fought as an individual as a result of she is satisfied, like many Italians, of his innocence, however nobody has ever stated that he has not been convicted and that he should get out.” “Would he have finished the identical factor as prime minister?” asks Gruber, with Tajani instantly replying: “I’ll by no means be prime minister…”.

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“I take into account – continued the Forza Italia chief – Meloni to be a loyal particular person. We do not at all times have the identical concepts as we’re from totally different events, however we govern collectively as a result of the voters voted for us.” Then we transfer on to the Center East: “Italy’s place on the Palestinian state is a place of stability. The vast majority of G7 international locations abstained. I reiterate my willingness to take part in a peacekeeping drive for Palestine as we do in Lebanon.”

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Lastly, the subject of justice reform is addressed: “It is very important reform the felony and civil justice of our nation. The slowness of the civil one prices us injury between 2% and three% of the GDP. On felony justice, the info says that almost all of accused individuals are acquitted. The separation of careers serves to ensure a good trial the place protection and prosecution are on the identical degree, in order that residents can really feel protected; it’s not towards the judiciary. The reform doesn’t place magistrates underneath the federal government. The ANM has its personal place however as a result of it’s a class one. The justice reform, which can quickly arrive on the Council of Ministers, doesn’t purpose – Tajani clarifies and concludes – to put prosecutors underneath the federal government. The magistrates will likely be appointed by competitors.”

#Meloni #satisfied #innocence #Tempo
2024-05-23 14:50:28

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