Men exaggerate their penis size, study finds

The subject already aroused great distrust among people, but now science has obtained evidence. Men tend to exaggerate about their penis size and height when describing themselves to someone else. Although experts insist that size doesn’t matter when it comes to sex, they do a great job of personal .

A study published in the journal Frontiers of Psychology shows that most volunteers declared having a penis of more than 18 cm in length, with the standard size being 14.8 cm.

The Danish researchers spoke to 224 men with an average age of 25. In an attempt to discourage lies, they promised cash rewards to the participants who came closest to the real measurements and only at the end of the questionnaires did the participants discover that there would be no real measurement.

“Men feel more entitled to lie about their penis size because there is no way to compare it in everyday interactions. It’s an easy secret to hide,” says the study.

money as control

The research took as a limit the record for the largest penis in the world registered in the Guinness Book: 34 cm erect. Participants who claimed measures that were very close or even superior were immediately classified as “exaggerated” – at least 10% did so.

Psychologists varied the amount of money offered. Subjects in one group received $5, while those in the other group received $22.

There, it was possible to verify the lies: the participants who received smaller proposals of money showed a greater tendency to say that they were “super-gifted”.

While the average size in the responses of those who received less was 18.5 cm, those who received US$ 22 were more modest, claiming to have an average of 17.1 cm.

I also exaggerate in height

A curious aspect that the research revealed is that the exaggeration in the size of the penis is even greater than the increase in height. Most men also lie about their height, but in this case they usually add “only” 2 cm.

The researchers concluded that men’s exaggeration in their measurements is not just to boast, but to try to comply with standards of masculinity that are defended socially. In addition, the study points out that the best way to get closer to the truth is “to give greater monetary rewards to participants”.

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