“Mental Health”: Seasonal depression comes with changing seasons for this reason | video

Dr. Mona Badawy, Professor, said: Psychological health And family guidance, putting a hand on the head means many meanings, commenting: “Putting the hand on the head means containment without words, and gives a feeling of safety without any words.”

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Badawi explained, during her interview with the media, Hiam Abdel Hafez, on the “Al Bostagia” program, that mental health is not a luxury, but it has become an essential thing in life, noting that suicide greatly harms the people of the suicide, and he regrets their inability to help their son.

Professor added Psychological health And family counseling, that depression is like any disease, and we have to help those who suffer from depression, commenting: “Helping the depressed is a hidden charity, and it will be rewarded for it on the Day of Resurrection, God willing.”

Dr. Mona Badawy, Professor Psychological health And family counseling, that there are many types of depression, there is depression that comes before menstruation, and there is traditional depression that appears through introversion, or sleeping a lot or loss of appetite, and there is depression that leads to obsession and separation from reality, and seasonal depression comes with the change of seasons due to Not getting enough exposure to the sun.

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