An extradition treaty between Congo and China approved in the Congolese parliament.

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An extradition treaty between Congo and China approved in the Congolese parliament.

The National Assembly unanimously adopted the bill authorizing the ratification of the extradition treaty between Congo and China. On April 4, 2022, the deputies unanimously approved the bill authorizing the ratification of the extradition treaty between the Republic of Congo and the People’s Republic of China. This adopted bill is part of the repression of crime, the promotion of information exchange relating to the search for persons prosecuted for crimes or to execute the criminal sentences pronounced against them. “Each Party undertakes to deliver to the other, in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, and at the request of the requesting Party, the persons found on its territory and sought by the other Party for the purpose of carrying out criminal proceedings. against them, or to carry out the sentences handed down,” said Aimée Wilfrid Bininga, Minister of Justice, Human Rights and the Advancement of Indigenous Peoples. For the Minister of Justice, the essential substance of this treaty is the mutual commitment made by the two parties to make available to justice the perpetrators of the crimes in application of the provisions of article 2 of the treaty which sets the offenses giving rise to extradition, as well as the conditions and procedures for implementing the extradition request defined by the text in force. This treaty, between Congo and China, was signed in Beijing on July 5, 2016.

The article Congo: MPs validate extradition treaty with China appeared first on Brazza’s Diary.