Miguel Trauco Signs with Criciúma FC: Latest News, Interviews, and Updates for 2024 Brasileirao Season

2024-01-27 00:52:36

Last Friday, January 5, a tweet by Brazilian journalist Vene Casagrande on the social network Twitter alerted the country’s sports editors. The reason? The Peruvian full-back Miguel Trauco already had a team for the 2024 season and it is called Criciúma FC of the Brasileirao Serie A.

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After that, El Comercio contacted the player’s environment to find out how true that information was. “Yes, it’s true, we have already closed with Criciúma, the agreement is for all of 2024 and there is the option to extend the contract for another year.”

Likewise, we had a short interview with the president of Criciúma FC, Vilmar Guedes, who spoke about what he hopes Miguel Trauco can contribute to his team.

“It is a positive signing for Criciúma, he was already in the elite of Brazilian football and will make us useful to face Serie A of the Brazilian Championship. He is an offensive player, but he knows the position. We trust that he can help us a lot. We believe that he will be happy in Criciúma,” the boss commented to this newspaper.

Miguel Trauco arrived at the Cricíuma complex to undergo medical tests (Vido: Canal N)

The boss of Criciúma EC explained why he delayed announcing the signing of Miguel Trauco, even though he already trains with the team and signed his contract with his institution. “Trauco is with us, training, recovering physically. He is very good. “Miguel Trauco has already signed for one year.”

Likewise, this newspaper was able to learn that they have not yet announced him as a signing for Criciúma EC because they are waiting for Miguel Trauco’s work visa to come out. “This week his visa should come out,” they told us from the player’s entourage.

What do we know about Criciúma EC? Its headquarters are located in the city of Santa Catarina, and it is a city with excellent high economic standards, which implies good quality of life indices. In addition, it is close to the sea 42 km and the people are hospitable. Criciúna EC fans are very passionate, but very respectful.


Could Paolo Guerrero go to Criciúma?

In December of last year, Paolo Guerrero was linked by a Brazilian page called Mercado Da Bola to the Criciúma club. That is why we took advantage of the call with the president of said club to ask him if this interest was true.

“There was no interest. We did not speak with Paolo Guerrero,” Vilmar Guedes, president of Criciúma EC, told El Comercio briefly.

Let us remember that Miguel Trauco was in the San José Earthquakes last season, but the North American club, despite the good performance of the Peruvian soccer player, gave up renewing the bond, therefore, the bicolor side was in his hometown of Tarapoto

In this way, El Criciúma EC will be the sixth club in Miguel Trauco’s professional career. Previously, the left-hander defended the colors of the San Jose Earthquakes, Saint-Étienne, Flamengo, Universitario de Deportes and Unión Comercio.

The Peruvian full-back, Miguel Trauco, has become the fourth reinforcement of Criciúma EC to face the 2024 Brasileirao season. The Colombian Yerson Candelo, Renato Kayzer and Baltasar Barcia were also signed by the tricolor team.

Entrevista to Jorge Fossati | EC

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