Milei and mythomania

2023-12-20 03:20:00

Hugo Ricardo Rucci DAYS 7,578,577


“The caste pays for the adjustment” and “If I raise taxes I will cut off my appendix,” he shouted more than he said. So far none of the measures announced by Milei target what he calls caste. The only thing there was was a reduction in the number of ministries, secretariats and undersecretaries, a measure with more symbolic than real impact in economic terms, where the most affected were the workers. There were no announcements of salary cuts for ministers, ambassadors, secretaries, undersecretaries and judges, among others. There was no talk of privileged retirements, much less of members of the judiciary beginning to pay income tax. “The adjustment is paid for by politics and not the people”, I am not going to get involved with the people, I am going to get involved with the caste, he shouted.

“Nothing is touched on those,” he said regarding the beneficiaries of social plans. One of them, the potential job, according to Caputo, will remain frozen. That is, those who receive it will not have updates in a context of very high inflation.” “I prefer to cut off my hands before signing a tax increase.”

Warning expressed by Milei in every interview she gave. However, Minister Caputo, reversing, reinstates the income tax. Milei raised the Country tax on dollar transactions, which is why from today the dollar card costs around $1,312. “We are not going to touch rates,” he did everything on the contrary, they increased all rates. “Freedom of information is not negotiable.” There are five journalists who not only harshly criticized but also sued them for a million pesos, although they later agreed. “Freedom of expression is not negotiated in Argentina,” said the same spokesperson Adorni, then announced the elimination of the official guideline.

The government’s guidelines in the media are a way to guarantee plurality in communication. Everything shows us that Milei is completely unaware of the Argentine reality.

The ridiculous and dangerous economic theory, which he shouts more than proclaims that only exists in his pathological head, can lead Argentina to a catastrophe with unpredictable consequences.

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#Milei #mythomania

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