Minister Jonathan Ignoumba didn’t proclaimed himself political chief of Nyanga (press launch) –

Accused by the press and on social networks of getting proclaimed himself political chief of the province of Nyanga, the communications division of Jonathan Ignoumba, present Minister of Agriculture, has debunked this allegation which, signifies we, to sow discord between the sisters and sons of the province as a way to undermine the newfound concord.

“Minister Jonathan IGNOUMBA didn’t proclaimed himself political chief like; he tries to arrange issues along with his fellow members of the Authorities and all of the goodwill of Nyanga for the success of the Republican tour of the Head of State within the Province of Nyanga”, mentioned a press launch.

As a part of the Republican tour already began in different provinces, the President of the Transition, Basic Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema can be in Nyanga shortly. To prepare his arrival, Pierre Alain Mounguengui, whose insults are additionally poured out, is related to the organizing committee.

These near the Minister are outraged by the retrograde habits of sure political leaders who’re unable to vary the paradigm. For them, the transition interval should additionally affect the change in mentality to place ahead the pursuits of the province.

“The authorities of the Transition have carried out properly to be pragmatic in doing with out all of the blackmailers of the previous, all those that have lengthy swarmed amongst us taking over board in accordance with their adventures and misadventures a handful of idle and embittered younger individuals, with out different compass than that of the empty abdomen”, he thumped.

Camille Boussoughou

2024-05-24 17:34:39
#Minister #Jonathan #Ignoumba #proclaimed #political #chief #Nyanga #press #launch

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