Minister of Agriculture Ensures Fertilizer Assistance Reaches Farmers’ Hands – 2024-05-13 18:58:38

Illustration of farmers spreading fertilizer in rice fields. (ANTARA/DEDHEZ ANGGARA)

THE MINISTER of Agriculture (Mentan), Andi Amran Sulaiman inspected the progress of rice planting in a number of regional centers in South Sulawesi. This review was carried out to ensure that government assistance such as subsidized fertilizer reaches farmers in production activities.

“Today we are going to the field, there are no red dates or holidays. We will ensure whether government assistance reaches the farmers,” said the Minister of Agriculture on Saturday (11/5).

“So, to the Indonesian farmers who I love, continue to produce because we have prepared the infrastructure. You don’t need to worry about fertilizer and water because we have prepared everything,” he added.

As is known, currently the government has increased the allocation of subsidized fertilizer by IDR 28 trillion or from previously only 4.5 million tons, it has now increased to 9.55 million tons.

“For fertilizer in South Sulawesi and throughout Indonesia, we ensure it will increase 2 times or 100 percent. Now there is no longer a fertilizer problem. And this is the largest addition of fertilizer in history,” said Amran.

Next, continued Amran, the government has also prepared a quick solution in the form of installing pumping in large rivers that never dry up. The pumping program is considered to be an effective way to increase production and reduce the risk of a food crisis due to the El Nino phenomenon or long dry season.

“This is a quick solution to mitigate the impact of the long El Niño that has occurred so far. The solution is only pumps and nothing else. So, we provide pumps to transport river water that never dries up like the Maros River. This is a quick solution to mitigate the risk of food shortages ,” he stressed. (Z-6)

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