Minute by minute: sit-in of Manga residents on the Román bridge | THE UNIVERSAL

((Update here))

-6:25 p.m.: The blockade on the Roman bridge affects the operation of the Cartagena Integrated Mass Transportation System at this time.

Transcaribe reported that detours were activated on route C001. In the Ciudadela – Centro direction: upon reaching Davivienda, you will take California Avenue and then turn and return under the Román Bridge, and resume your usual route, now in the Centro – Ciudadela direction.

It should be noted that route C001 will not enter the Historic Center.

– 6:15 p.m.: The sit-in, which started at approximately 5:15 in the afternoon, is progressing peacefully. Despite the fact that initially a resident of the neighborhood maintained that they would block the bridges and burn tires during the protest, he later ruled out these violent actions.

Minute by minute: sit-in of Manga inhabitants on the Román bridge

– 6:00 p.m.: The community leaders of the Pie de La Popa, Bocagrande, Crespo and Marbella neighborhoods participate in the sit-in, who affirm that the entire Communal Government Unit 1 will carry out a simultaneous demonstration due to the lack of response and actions by the District.

– 5:55 p.m.: At this time the circulation of vehicles on the Roman bridge is zero. Agents from the Administrative Department of Transit and Transportation (DATT) are on Calle Larga in the Historic Center diverting vehicles that intended to enter the island through said bridge.

Minute by minute: sit-in of Manga inhabitants on the Román bridge

– 5: 50 p.m.: The demonstrators affirm that they will be blocking the Roman bridge for the next two hours, that is, until 7 at night.

– 5:45 p.m.: “Unfortunately we have to manifest ourselves in that way. We are going to participate in a respectful march without alterations of public order. We are not going to ask, we are going to demand because we pay expensive taxes and there is laziness on the part of the administration,” Federico De la Rosa, president of the Manga JAC told El Universal.

-5:35 p.m.: El Universal is in the sit-in organized by the residents of Manga who demand solutions to their problems.

Below is the live from the protest

– 5:30 p.m.: The protesters arrive at the Román bridge, which joins Manga with the Historic Center, where they block the passage of vehicles in both directions.

Minute by minute: sit-in of Manga inhabitants on the Román bridge

– 5:25 p.m.: The inhabitants of this community demand interventions on the Jiménez and Román bridges, maintenance works on the road network, operations to improve mobility and a greater presence of the Police.

– 5:10 p.m.: At this time the inhabitants of Manga begin to gather in the Lácides Segovia park.

$!Minute by minute: sit-in of Manga inhabitants on the Román bridge

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