Miracle Baby: Woman with Rare Gynecological Condition Gives Birth to Daughter

2023-08-14 13:28:00

Diagnosed with a rare gynecological condition, Adel, now 29, has finally given birth to her daughter. (picture taken from twitter)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report]A Hungarian woman, Adel (Adel), has been suffering from severe menstrual pain since she was 14 years old. With 2 uteruses, 2 cervixes and a vagina, she was once diagnosed as infertile, but after years of hard work and perseverance, the 29-year-old finally gave birth to her daughter, which is considered a medical miracle.

The New York PostAccording to reports, Adel was diagnosed with a rare gynecological disease at the age of 14 due to severe menstrual pain. However, it was not until she was 20 that it was determined that she had 2 uteruses, 2 cervixes and a blind vagina in her body, resulting in inability to discharge menstruation. To deal with years of pain and vaginal bacterial infections, she underwent diaphragm surgery in 2018, which successfully cut a passage to allow menstrual blood to flow normally.

But doctors also told Adel that her medical condition made it impossible for her to conceive forever, and also caused her three-year relationship to fall apart. However, she met her current husband, Balázs, and the two kept trying to conceive through different methods, but after examination at a fertility clinic, she was diagnosed with chronic endometritis in both uteri, And “Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich” syndrome, she only has one kidney, but the two still want to have a child. Considering Adel’s condition, they will try artificial insemination in 2022.

Amazingly, I managed to get pregnant on the first try. Adel revealed that after artificially creating 4 embryos, the first embryo transfer miraculously made her pregnant. During the pregnancy, she successfully conceived her daughter in the left uterus, and at the 36th week of pregnancy Caesarean section was performed and the baby was born successfully.

Adair said frankly that the stress during pregnancy caused her to develop pre-epilepsy and high blood pressure. Considering the heredity of pre-epilepsy, she and her husband decided not to conceive and expand their family.

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