Missing baby found dead

It was found inside a garbage bag.

Courtesy | Cicpc officials began investigations to find those responsible for the incident

A one-year-old girl who had been missing since August 20 was found dead by Carabobo authorities.

As reported by the local media, the baby would have been found inside a garbage bag in a river near her residence in the Mosquitero sector, in the Libertador municipality, after search efforts that were reactivated this Monday.

Until now, the cause of death and the circumstances in which the events would have taken place are unknown.

According to testimonies from her mother and grandfather to the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc), on Saturday the 20th, the last time they saw her was when she was in a bathtub; On that occasion, her parent assured that she had left her under the supervision of her grandfather (Guillermo Mesa), because she would go to a nearby plot to look for yucca for lunch, El Siglo detailed on her web portal.

Cicpc officials began investigations to find those responsible for the incident.

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