MK Receives Report of Alleged Ethics Violation by Anwar Usman – 2024-05-16 15:45:28

Constitutional choose Anwar Usman (MI/Usman Iskandar)

The Constitutional Courtroom (MK) mentioned that it had acquired a report of alleged moral violations dedicated by Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman.

“That is proper (have acquired the report). Despatched through e-mail as of final evening. “We’re opening and accepting as of right now,” mentioned Head of the Registrar’s Authorized and Administrative Bureau and MK Spokesperson Fajar Laksono when contacted in Jakarta, Monday (13/5)

Quoted Between, The report was submitted by Zico’s advocate Leonardo Djagardo Simanjuntak. He reported alleged moral violations by Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman concerning the rules of appropriateness and decency acknowledged within the Sapta Karsa Hutama.

Within the report doc acquired, Zico because the reporting occasion assessed that there was an alleged battle of curiosity between Anwar Usman and advocate Muhammad Rullyandi.

It’s recognized that Anwar filed a lawsuit on the PTUN towards Chief Justice Suhartoyo. Rullyandi was one of many consultants that Anwar proposed within the case trial with the agenda of analyzing the plaintiff’s witnesses and consultants which was held on Might 8 2024.

In truth, Anwar, who was a choose on the Panel Three trial along with Constitutional Justices Arief Hidayat and Enny Nurbaningsih, confronted Rullyandi, who was one of many litigants on the Constitutional Courtroom within the 2024 PHPU Legislative Election case together with his place as an legal professional for the Respondent, particularly the KPU. (Ant/P-5)

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