Modder is bringing even better collaborations to Elden Ring this weekend

Recently, a YouTuber and modder Lucius suppose that elden ring – Previously Very good video game It could be better with a simple tweak: Unlimited cooperation. In a few days, this situation will be out in the wild, putting this idea to the test.

The news comes from LukeYui’s YouTube channel, in the form of a great new video showing what people can expect if they take the mod for a spin when it becomes available for public beta testing on Friday. May 27. To tweak their games, or those not playing on PC, there will also be a bunch of Twitch streams with a bunch of alpha-testers looking for bugs.

The transparent cooperation mode is an informal work in progress and is likely to run into problems, but the idea behind it is interesting: like elden ring As players know, playing with others in a co-op mode means that other aspects of the game, such as rides and bonfire rest, are not available during a co-op session. This is in addition to elden ringStrict cooperation limits, which restrict the summoning of cooperation partners in certain areas and automatically reject them when a nearby boss or enemy lair is eliminated.

All of these limitations exist for reasonable reasons of game balance, as the developers at FromSoftware will likely want to keep challenging when asking for help. But playing with others isn’t always about beating games – sometimes it’s just about trying it out, and it’s always better in company.

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“A social media addict. Zombie fanatic. Likes to travel. obsessed with music. Bacon expert.

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