“More than half of the wedding guests didn’t come” The couple ruined 820,000 banquet guests | ETtoday International News | ETtodayAMP

▲ The newcomer spent 820,000 yuan to hold a wedding, but more than half of the guests who promised to attend did not come. (Picture/Flip TikTok@grayanxiety)

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Reporter Wu Meiyi / Comprehensive foreign reports

A newlywed couple in the United States spent US$27,000 (approximately NT$824,000) on a banquet. A total of 88 people agreed to attend, but less than 40 people showed up. , The whole wedding was also forced to be shortened, and the originally dreamed big day was completely ruined.

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Gray (Gray Narvaez-Dragion), an 18-year-old transgender, shared on TikTok that several tables at the banquet were empty, and no one cared about the well-prepared wedding items. To make matters worse, he fell during his first dance and “my mom couldn’t say a word until my dad forced her to.” After the party, Gray and her husband, Nyx, in the empty crying in the banquet hall.

Gray said that he and her husband ran out of money after their wedding on February 27. “I couldn’t even afford my own food after I was fired, and it turned out that I didn’t even get half of the people. I was devastated.”

Netizens expressed sympathy and shock. Some well-meaning people expressed their willingness to give wedding gifts, and some shared similar experiences. A male netizen estimated that 100 people would attend the wedding banquet, but only about 30 people attended. Another said, “My sister went through it too. We prepared a box for 80 people and less than 30 people came. We prepared as best we could, but damn it. I would never treat someone like that.”

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Many netizens also criticized the guests for being too rude, “If you can’t attend, tell the host, it’s okay! They will save a fortune from the wedding banquet manufacturer, don’t lie!”, “I hope you can remove these people from your life …don’t accept any excuses. If they weren’t on your best day, they weren’t on your worst day.”

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