Mo’s father said that the accident affected his son’s life, “One person does things and others take responsibility” and let their family bear the responsibility.

2023-10-21 13:25:05
Mo’s father said that the accident affected his son’s life, “One person does things and others take responsibility” and let their family bear the responsibility.

The boy band MIRROR had a serious accident during their concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum last year. The giant screen hanging in mid-air suddenly fell and hit dancer Li Qiyan (Mo). He still needs to stay in the hospital for treatment. His father, Pastor Li Shenglin, has been communicating through his behalf. The prayer letter explains Amo’s progress. Li Shenglin sent his 65th prayer letter tonight (21st). The content is as follows:

Pastor Li Shenglin // Qi Yan (Ah Mo) Prayer Letter 65 (20231022)

“The crystal eyes make people feel relaxed and happy; the beautiful messages make people strong. ” (Proverbs 15:30 – Scotch Bible)

(1) Introduction (Mo)

1) “Nursing Sister”:

Please pray for a nursing sister who is caring and capable of understanding and comprehending to take care of Ah Mo 24 hours a day.

2) “Blessings and Prayer Support Network”:

Thank God, although it has been 65 weeks since the incident occurred, greetings and blessings are still sent from all over the world from time to time. Our family really feels your overwhelming support and remembrance. After receiving the prayer letter, many netizens forwarded it to different communities, looking to God for Mo’s needs in prayer. I would like to thank all parties again for their blessings and prayers.

3) “Instrument 6 for understanding Mo’s treatment – ​​Dynamic Mobile Arm Support System (SaeboMAS)” (see attached picture)


“working principle”:

a) is an upper limb support training device specifically designed to stimulate and challenge debilitated shoulders and elbows when performing various functional tasks and performing athletic training.

b) Patients suffering from neurological and orthopedic diseases and exhibiting weakness in their arms can become strong from this anti-geotropic support and help.

“Gratitude and Therapeutic Effects”

a) Patients can use the help of this system to offset the influence of gravity while promoting and promoting functional activities of the shoulder and elbow. This weight-reducing technique makes it easier for patients to strengthen weak muscles in the shoulders and elbows.

b) Ah Mo uses this support system with “electromyography (EMG) simultaneous electrical stimulation of muscles” to maintain and enhance the normal functional status of muscles, tendons and joints. Especially during this period of combined use, there was an obvious response to the right biceps and triceps during electromyography (EMG).


It is hoped that these instruments will create greater synergy when used in combination, making Ah Mo’s muscles, tendons and joints stronger and stronger.

(2) Mo’s parents

1) “Innocent”:

a) I have always felt that Mo was innocent in the incident. His life was affected by human error and he received unnecessary treatment. This human error is not “one person’s responsibility for one person’s actions”, but “one person’s responsibility for one’s actions”, and it is our family’s responsibility.

b) A life can be lost within a second. If the dance posture on the stage hadn’t happened just before the neck displacement, the giant screen fell on Ah Mo’s head at that second, and the consequences would have been disastrous. It was precisely because of man’s mistakes that God saved Amo’s life!

c) Although facing treatment is difficult, it has finally stabilized. Nervous recovery takes time, and with the cooperation of modern technology and Amo’s hard work, I am convinced that he will get better.


Pray that God will save Ah Mo from this innocent wound, listen to the blessings and prayers of millions of people, and continue to have God’s presence and powerful healing in this recovery process.

2) “Created by the flesh of the human heart”:

War often results in the death of families, separation of wives and children, and the destruction of homes. Pray that God will watch over the civilians in disasters and wars, so that they can receive humanitarian assistance and protection.

During Amo’s therapeutic changes, we deeply understood and experienced God’s unconditional love and power of salvation, and also experienced the empathy of “rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep.”

#Mos #father #accident #affected #sons #life #person #responsibility #family #bear #responsibility

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