Mother strangled three children and left creepy suicide letters, December 27, 2022 | NHS

– There is also a third option – if the court recognizes the state of passion as significant. But it also happens that people do absolutely outrageous things and they are recognized as sane, the expert notes.

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin requested a report on the progress of the investigation.

There are several versions of this. In addition to the influence of religion, which was discussed above, there are two more options: postpartum depression or psychiatric disorder. Mikhail Pertsel, a psychotherapist from Yekaterinburg, claims that relatives should have noticed signs of problems in a woman.

– You can recognize such situations by statements, by human behavior. For relatives and close people, this is an occasion to pay attention, to ask what is happening, – Mikhail Pertsel told E1.RU. – However, it also happens that nothing is noticeable, a person does not manifest himself in any way.

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