Muscle contracture: what are the symptoms? What treatments?

2023-12-22 17:26:26

As its name suggests, the muscle contraction translates to “a muscle that contracts to limit joint movement to protect an underlying problem. Usually a joint problem like a torticollisand lumbagobut also an infection likeappendicitisfor example in the case of ‘abdominal defense'”, explains Raphaële Pouret, osteopath.

How to recognize a muscle contracture?

A muscle contracture results in a muscle that is hard to the touch and painful, explains Raphaële Pouret, osteopath.

These symptoms lead to limitation of movements.

The duration of a contracture is longer than that of a cramp

And if muscle contracture can be confused with cramps, You should know that the latter is very short-lived, whereas muscle contracture lasts several days.

What causes a muscle to contract?

The appearance of muscle contracture can have different causes. “Those responsible are stressa poor lifestylethe fatiguetoo big sedentary lifestyleof bad posturesand the sports practiceespecially whenwe don’t warm up enough, that we overuse our muscles and that we do not hydrate ourselves sufficiently,” lists the osteopath. Contracture can occur at any age, even if, over the years, the older muscle fatigues more.

What to do in case of muscle contracture?

In the event of a contracture, the first reflex to have is to apply heat to the contracture to relax the muscle and have good vascularization, advises Raphaële Pouret.

Then, it is necessary stretch wherever possible and without forcing. Stretches differ depending on the location of the contracture.

In case of contracture in the neck (torticollis)

“Gently turn your head to the left, then to the right, and then back and forth, several times in succession. You can also bring the shoulders back, then forward. And work on breathing by lengthening it, in order to open the thorax,” advises the osteopath.

In case of contracture in the arm

“If the contracture is in the forearm, extend your arm in front of you and pull your fingers backwards, stretch your arm backwards to stretch the biceps, and forwards to stretch the muscle broad posterior,” indicates the osteopath.

In case of contracture in the gluteal muscles

“Lie on your back, fold your legs to 90°, fold the leg on the side of the contracture onto the other leg, pass your hands between the two legs and pull gently,” recommends Raphaële Pouret. This helps stretch the piriformis muscle which, when tight, can lead to sciatica. »

In case of contracture in the thigh

What frequently happens to footballers at the level of the adductors, “lying on the ground, extend your leg to the side to stretch the internal part”, recommends the osteopath.

Muscle contracture requires not forcing, but continuing to move so as not to ‘soften’ the muscles, advises the osteopath. It can be treated in one to three osteopathy sessions lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour.

How to treat a contracture using essential oils

Two essential oils can be used to treat this injury: that of lying wintergreen and that oflemon eucalyptus.

You can choose:

Dilute 3 drops of wintergreen essential oil in 3 drops of arnica or hazelnut vegetable oil. Then massage onto the contracted area twice a day; Dilute 1 drop of lemon eucalyptus essential oil in 1 tbsp. to c. arnica oil. Massage the contracted area twice a day.
#Muscle #contracture #symptoms #treatments

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