Music lessons: 5 good reasons to bet on the piano

In addition to being fun, playing a musical instrument is beneficial in many ways. Indeed, it improves in particular concentration, memory, coordination and self-confidence. Do you or your child want to learn this art? -Here are five excellent reasons to choose the piano:

Huge repertoire: the piano offers a wide choice of pieces, whether to play solo or to accompany another musician, regardless of the style recommended (pop, jazz, blues, classical, rap, etc.).

Minimal maintenance: unlike the guitar, among others, which ideally must be tuned before each session, a piano generally only needs to be tuned two to four times a year. And if you have a numeric keypad, you won’t have to tune it at all!

Easy access: of course, learning to play the piano is not done “by shouting scissors”. However, it is enough to press the keys to instantly obtain the desired notes. With a wind instrument, for example, producing a clear, in-tune sound requires mastering mouth position and airflow first.

Natural posture: while some instruments require awkward or awkward postures (for beginners, the violin and flute, in particular, can cause neck and shoulder pain), the piano allows you to adopt a comfortable position.

Solid foundation: pianists must read simultaneously in two different keys. Thus, if they then wish to play another instrument, they can easily opt for the one of their choice, whether it uses the treble clef (clarinet, trumpet, etc.) or the bass clef (cello, tuba, etc.).

The performing arts

These activities, musical (singing, piano, etc.) or not (theater, improvisation, etc.), are excellent for open-mindedness, self-fulfilment, enhancement of one’s talents and self-transcendence. They can help with stress management and taming the pressure of performance in a positive way.

-Ask your municipality or nearby schools to register for the course or activity of your choice!

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