“My family’s house and my mother-in-law refuse my husband to stay with me except every Thursday.”.. and congratulations

01:18 PM

Thursday 06 January 2022

Books – Muhammad Qadous:

Among the strange questions, which bear a social character and which he receives from some of his followers and raise his admiration, Dr. Mabrouk Attia, Professor of Sharia at Al-Azhar University, responded to a question from a young woman who says: “I am married in a family house and my mother-in-law does not allow my husband to stay with me except every Thursday, and this is for fear of his health.” ?”.

In his response, Attia said: “And God does not please God, nor His Messenger, nor a sane person, nor a person of conscience. We have to thank God that you have taken care of the valley, and that there is an existing house that is not looking at an apartment, but we have to leave him to congratulate his wife and his wife to congratulate him, just like us,” advising The mother who prevents her son: “If you want to advise your son, he stays and interrupts between you and him and does an account of his health if you see him weak or something appears on him.”

The Sharia professor added, through a video he posted on his YouTube channel, that the sexual relationship is not true that it negatively affects the body as is common, but rather it affects it positively, and thus the blood is changed, outweighs and pleases, and the setback is the sum of everyone.

Attia wondered: “What controls, what kind of system did you bring this about? How did you want your son to have an apartment that you control, and the girl who brought her from her family’s house is left alone, as if she is in her father’s house with her brothers and family, it is not difficult for you to her condition and she alone is poor, as if she is buried by her family” And in the morning you go down and eat with you, this is a kind of torment, and a narrowing of the girl, citing a hadith reported on the authority of Anas – may God be pleased with him – that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “God punishes those who torture people.”

And Attia continued: “You know, you need, it would have been possible to remain a Muslim if the day you went to marry her and told her father, and she knew that he would be with you, and she would be like a corpse, she would fall on her own, and she would show him to her every Thursday, and she agreed, it would be fine. Have mercy and have mercy.”

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