My heart melts!” Yada Narilla hit Luke, giving a smile. too charming to resist

Thai entertainment

June 10, 2022 – 15:51

Lukmee’s heart melts! Actress Yada Narilla hit Luke, giving a smile. too charming to resist Netizens flock to the number of likes.

It is said that besides the acting talent, it will stand first because there are many guaranteed awards. In addition to the cuteness, she is not allergic to anyone for “Yada. Narilla, who counts the days, the aura of beauty has increased without limits until it makes Lukmee fans melt in a row.

The latest is called the world is broken when Yada posted a picture of standing holding a bouquet of flowers, giving out a charming smile that anyone who looks at it and says that it has died many times because it is both beautiful and cute, but also has a bright inside and has unique identity Therefore, the fans who saw each other fell in love with each other like that. But Eh made many people secretly wonder who gave the flowers that Lady Yada was holding. or just as a photo prop Anyway, wait for the person to come out and answer it yourself.

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