My husband sleeps with me from the wrong place and enjoys that. What do I do??.. you won’t believe how Mabrouk Attia responded!!

It’s 06:10 PM
Island Bay | Follow Favorite

Dr. Mabrouk Attia, professor of Islamic law at Al-Azhar University, said that a woman is not allowed to ask for a divorce from her husband because of her coming from behind during marital intercourse except after advice more than once.

Attia affirmed in response to a related question on the subject that if the husband insists on having his wife in the anus and does not want to relapse from this forbidden act, then she may ask for a divorce from him.

He explained that this act is a major sin, citing the words of the Messenger of God, “Cursed is he who has intercourse with a woman in her anus,” indicating that whoever does this act is considered a disobedient, a criminal, and a perpetrator of a major sin, because God Almighty has forbidden him to come from this place and that God has permitted him another place to come. From him, citing the saying of the Most High: “So lose them from where God has commanded you.”

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