N12 – Weather forecast

Today (Wednesday) the weather is relatively comfortable, the temperatures are below the seasonal average. In the north there is a chance of light rain.

The forecasted temperatures for today: in Jerusalem up to 23 degrees, in Katsrin 26 degrees, in Nahariya 23 degrees, in Safed 21 degrees, in Tiberias 30 degrees, in Haifa 23 degrees, in Taiba 25 degrees, in Ariel 24 degrees, in Tel Aviv 24 degrees, in Rehovot 26 degrees, in Beit Shemesh 25 degrees, in Beer Sheva 28 degrees and in Eilat up to 33 degrees.

The forecast for the coming days: Tomorrow (Thursday) possibility of more rain in the north, in the other areas the weather is stabilizing, later in the day comfortable and normal for the season. Towards the end of the week, the weather will gradually warm up, and it will be comfortable for any activity this coming Saturday. At the beginning of the week it will cool down, with a chance of rain.

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