Naarn against Mitterkirchen: Derby in Machland is a hit with visitors of the round

A fan march of the guests, a crackling atmosphere in the stands and hopefully also a tight football game between two teams that are involved at the top of the table: Tomorrow’s football hit by Union Naarn against Union Mitterkirchen has everything it takes for a peppery derby. Above all, the starting position is promising: Herbstmeister Naarn is on course in his mission “promotion to the national league”, the guests from Mitterkirchen, who were second in the table until a week ago, want to spit their neighbors in the soup.

The start of the second half of the season last week was not as successful as desired for both of them. The people of Mitterkirchner struggled with the 0:0 in Ried as well as Naarn with twelfth-placed Ansfelden. There, after all, newcomer Rajko Vujanovic proved with his goal at 1-1 that he is able to strengthen the Naarner offensive. Meanwhile, Garsten and Leonding moved closer to leaders Naarn with a win each, pushing Mitterkirchen down to fourth place in the table. A three-pointer tomorrow would be more than welcome for both teams.

In order to offer the players and fans something after the game, the hosts organize an après-kick party with party music, a bar, pizza, Bosna and much more. The fans of Union Mitterkirchen are already preparing for this. They march to the derby, accompanied by a trailer on which “Die Heimels” create a good atmosphere.

In the district league north, SV Freistädter Bier will welcome table leaders Union Katsdorf tomorrow. A close match also promises in the Oberen Mühlviertel when table sixth Julbach meets table fifth from Lembach. All games begin at 3:30 p.m.


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