Named the 8 most healthy drinks for the heart

A study showed that eating 200 grams (about one cup) of blueberries every day can normalize blood pressure and improve blood vessel function. Blueberries are one of the few berries that, after heat treatment, remain just as good as fresh.

To make your berry juice as nutritious as possible, choose fresh or frozen berries and avoid added sugar.

beetroot juice

In beets lots of fiber, manganese, iron, vitamins A and C, calcium, phosphorus, which can lower blood pressure and improve heart function.

This vegetable has a beneficial effect on our blood vessels, heart and nervous system. Beets contain beneficial nitrates, which are converted inside the arteries into nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure.

Beet juice should be diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.

plum juice

Plum juice is rich potassium needed for heart health. This mineral is necessary for the proper functioning of nerve and muscle cells – after all, the heart is a muscular organ.

By the way, freshly squeezed orange juice is also considered the champion in the amount of potassium – it contains 9% of the daily requirement of potassium per 1 glass. These figures are even greater than those of a banana.

It must be remembered that Vitamin B6 facilitates the absorption of potassium, while alcohol makes it difficult.

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