Nanoparticles: the drugs of the future

Medicines have led to a major increase in human life expectancy. However, this comes with repercussions. Most of the time, they have side effects which are not ideal for the well-being of the sufferer. The case of immunotherapy is obvious, often difficult to bear in cases of cancer, they are however essential to fight the disease but have undesirable consequences. What if, in the future, nanoparticles did the job?

As explained in this interview, research in Switzerland is working on component particles of immunotherapy. These would go straight to the lymph nodes to deliver the drug to the right place, requiring lower doses with longer positive effects. This type of therapy could therefore lead to more precise ranges of remedies, almost completely reducing side effects.

However, this reality is not for tomorrow. For the time being, research remains in an in vitro environment. Tests on living beings will have to be done in the next few years to see how this unfolds.

Duration: 8min20

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