National Surgical Plan: 200 Patients Evaluated and Treated at Uyapar Hospital by Misión Milagro and Fundación Armonía

2023-12-15 21:43:52

The surgical procedures were carried out at the Uyapar hospital.

Courtesy of Bolívar Government Press | They are evaluating 200 more patients

As part of the National Surgical Plan, Misión Milagro and Fundación Armonía held a special day of cataract operations at the Uyapar hospital.

“This is the sixth day that we are carrying out this year, with the love and responsibility that characterizes us as a protective government, we guarantee visual health to 240 compatriots in two consecutive weeks of surgical interventions,” reported the head of state, Ángel Marcano. .

He highlighted that in the exercise of his management, more than 3 thousand patients have been successfully treated in the state of Bolívar.

The ophthalmological day began with a recruitment process at the Fundación Armonía facilities. Those in charge of carrying out the Milagros Mission at the Uyapar hospital are Dr. Alexander Ravinovich, head of the medical team, and Luisa Zambrano, from the Milagros Mission team in Maracaibo, Zulia state, in the company of her work team and the support of the nursing staff of the hospital center.

“This is a mission of great humanity, there are people who went 4 and 5 years without seeing their family, now they leave the operating room seeing their children, their grandchildren, and that fills us with joy and strength. We are in government to give our people the possibility of living in better conditions,” he commented.

He announced that for the next day 200 more patients will be evaluated for surgery.

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