NATO warns against Russia’s use of “deadly weapons”… a war crime

chemical weapons laboratories and biological"adding that Kremlin He invents false excuses to justify the unjustifiable.

The newspaper was attributed to Stoltenberg saying: "Now that these false allegations have been made, we must be vigilant that Russia itself may be planning chemical weapons operations in light of this fabrication of lies. this will be war crime".

He added that although Ukrainian people Withstands Russian invasion Courageously, the coming days are likely to bring more difficulties.

On Friday, US President Joe Biden pledged to"Avoid a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia"because it will lead to "third world war".

In a speech at the White House, Biden said: "We will not go to war with Russia Ukraine"warning that Moscow "You will pay a heavy price if you use chemical weapons" in Ukraine.

Westerners are concerned about the possible use of Moscow Chemical weapons in Ukraine, while Moscow accuses Washington and Kiev of setting up laboratories in Ukraine aimed at producing biological weapons, which the two capitals denied.


The newspaper quoted Stoltenberg as saying: “In the past few days we have heard ridiculous allegations about chemical weapons laboratories and biological,” adding that Kremlin He invents false excuses to justify the unjustifiable.

The newspaper was attributed to Stoltenberg He said: “Now that these false allegations have been made, we have to be vigilant because Russia itself may be planning chemical weapons operations in light of this fabrication of lies. These will be war crime“.

He added that although Ukrainian people Withstands Russian invasion Courageously, the coming days are likely to bring more difficulties.

And on Friday, US President Joe Biden pledged to “avoid a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia”, because it would lead to a “third world war.”

Biden said, in a speech at the White House: “We will not go to war against Russia in UkraineHe warned that Moscow “will pay a heavy price if chemical weapons are used” in Ukraine.

Westerners are concerned about the possible use of Moscow Chemical weapons in Ukraine, while Moscow accuses Washington and Kiev of setting up laboratories in Ukraine aimed at producing biological weapons, which the two capitals denied.

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