“Natural Remedies for Excessive Sweating: Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B Complex, and Herbal Teas”

2023-04-27 00:24:56

modern life

Calcium and magnesium supplements, vitamin B complex, and herbal teas all help treat sweating.


Sweating is the segregation of a transparent natural liquid that, in the world of medicine and analysis of the body, is known as the process in which the body seeks to stay cool. However, there are those who do not feel well with perspiration -as it is also known-, since it tends to be very noticeable in front of others and, in some cases, it is unstoppable.

The body needs to perspire, but there are levels in which the sweat glands get out of control and do not stop. According to information collected by the United States National Library web portal, Medlineplus, generally, sweat occurs in specific areas such as armpits, hands and feet. Also, the amount of sweat someone has depends on the number of glands they get.

Because for some it is necessary to control the sweating of their body and despite the fact that it could be a genetic or environmental issue, diet would have something to do with it.

In that sense, there are food alternatives that reduce or control high levels of body perspiration, as:

1. Calcium and Magnesium Supplements: Cocina Fácil’s Mexican website indicates that these minerals are known to lower stress levels. That is why the factor of decreased physical or emotional tension could be related to sweating because, according to those who know the subject, perspiration usually appears due to anguish, stress or fear. Thus, ingesting calcium or magnesium is ideal to mitigate sweating.

Foods rich in calcium include cheese, hazelnuts, almonds, chickpeas, cow’s milk, chard, lentils and sardines in oil. On the other hand, foods with magnesium are corn, chocolate, whole wheat bread, dates, pasta, spinach, cookies, potatoes and rabbit, according to the Clinic of the University of Navarra.

2. Vitamin B Complex: Type B vitamins are recognized for acting favorably in the body. With regard to perspiration, they reduce the activity of the sweat glands, which is how experts recommend eating products that contain this type of nutrient.

Foods rich in B complex include nuts, fish, butter, liver, sardines, salmon, banana, pistachio, sunflower seeds, lentils, cow’s milk and avocado, Bedoyecta explains..

3. Herbal teas: Lemon balm, passion flower and chamomile have properties capable of helping to stop excessive sweating.

On the other hand, just as there are food alternatives to treat perspiration, there are a series of products that, as far as possible, should be avoided so as not to increase the appearance of excessive sweating, such as:

  • Café: Although it is one of the most consumed drinks in the world, it is not recommended to drink it if the person suffers from excessive perspiration, since caffeine causes an almost immediate response in the body, activating the brain and accelerating the metabolism in a very powerful way. Infobae.
  • Spicy foods: Like alcohol, spicy products increase the sensation of body temperature. For example, chili peppers have capsaicin, which is classified as an irritant, which activates sweat glands.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol causes, in addition to drunkenness, the dilation of the blood vessels and a rise in the level of sugar in the blood. When trying to eliminate alcohol from the body, the liver works faster than normal, which can lead to sweating. Research has shown that excessive night sweating occurs after heavy alcohol intake.
  • Fatty foods: Fatty and processed products also generate more sweating. Meats, sausages, fried foods, dairy products and cured cheeses make digestion difficult. The digestive system reduces its activity with copious meals and foods rich in fat, so the body has to work harder to complete the digestive process. Consequently, the body temperature rises and the person may sweat more. For this reason, the recommendation is to eat light meals that are low in fried foods.

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