Natural remedies help relieve heartburn

To minimize these discomforts you can help yourself with one of these 6 natural remedies.

Heartburn is a very annoying burning sensation that appears when stomach acid returns to the esophagus, the organ through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach.

That burning sensation starts in the lower chest and goes up to the throat.

It usually occurs after eating a heavy meal or while lying down.

The sensation may last a few minutes or a few hours. In addition to the burning, it can be accompanied by other symptoms such as stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting that are sometimes confused with the symptoms of a heart attack.

If you have heartburn more than twice a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease. Pregnancy, some foods, alcohol, and certain medications can cause heartburn.

It is important to treat heartburn because over time, reflux can damage the esophagus. As a complement to the treatment recommended by a doctor, some natural remedies can be considered that could improve symptoms without side effects.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is a natural remedy, which has the ability to neutralize the acids accumulated in the stomach, especially when they produce a burning sensation.

This ingredient is included in the catalog of natural alkalines, since its pH is higher than 7.0 and it can regulate acidity levels.

We make it by diluting ½ tablespoon of bicarbonate (5 g) in a glass of water, avoid consuming more than the recommended dose, it could be counterproductive. In addition, it is convenient to consult with the doctor who follows your consumption history.

aloe juice

Aloe vera gel has digestive properties that may improve symptoms such as inflammation and burning.

Its cooling effect could reduce the discomfort caused by heartburn.

To prepare the drink, 1 aloe vera leaf (aloe) and ½ liter of water are necessary.

Then the gel is extracted from the aloe leaf and mix it in the blender with half a liter of water.

Finally, half a glass of the resulting juice is consumed before each main meal.

Apple vinager

Despite its acidic compounds, apple cider vinegar has an alkaline effect on the stomach that could help improve this disorder. Its properties help the esophageal sphincter to open and close properly to prevent reflux.

However, there are not enough studies to ensure its effectiveness.


Ginger tea is another remedy used to alleviate disorders associated with the digestive system.

Ginger helps treat nausea and neutralizes the acids that cause reflux. In addition, it stimulates digestion and favors the absorption of nutrients.

Prepare the infusion with ¾ medium ginger root and 2 cups of water (500 ml), once it has rested for a few minutes, strain it.

This drink is recommended to be taken 20 minutes before each meal.

lettuce leaf tea

Although it is less known than the previous ones, lettuce leaf tea is another remedy to treat heartburn.

Its properties help reduce acidity and stimulate digestion after a heavy meal.

For its preparation we need 3 lettuce leaves and 1 cup of water (250 ml). It is recommended to drink a cup after each main meal.


Mustard is a food with alkaline properties, it also contains essential minerals that promote digestion and neutralize acids, thus reducing the burning sensation that causes gastric reflux.

When you feel the first signs of heartburn take 1 teaspoon of mustard (5 g), the taste of mustard in this amount can be a bit strong and annoying, however, it is worth it to relieve this burning sensation.

It is important to remember that it is convenient to consult the consumption of these remedies with a doctor. Since they are remedies used for a long time to treat this problem, but they do not have enough research that has shown their effectiveness.

In addition, only one remedy should be chosen to calm heartburn, since the combination of several can worsen heartburn.

To reduce the risk of suffering frequent episodes of this disorder, it is best to eat healthy, for which we will increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as the consumption of water.

If you are a smoker, it is advisable to quit smoking or reduce it as much as possible.

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