Natural science students who quit ‘SKY’, go to medical school or pharmacy?

Last year, 8 out of 10 students who dropped out of the so-called ‘SKY’ university were natural science students. Jongno Academy analyzed that students who dropped out of science majors left to go on to medical and pharmaceutical fields (ⓒYoung Doctor).

Eight out of 10 students who dropped out of Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Korea University, which are called ‘SKY’ last year, were natural science students. Analysts say that the concentration of students in the medical and pharmaceutical fields has an impact even after college entrance exams.

As a result of analyzing the number of dropouts (dropouts) announced by Jongno Academy in the university notice on the 25th, the number of students who dropped out while attending Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Korea University last year was 341, 678, and 855, respectively, for a total of 1,874.

Among them, 1,421 students were in natural sciences, or 75.8% of the total dropout students. This is more than three times the number of students who dropped out of humanities majors (453 students).

Among the three universities, Seoul National University had the largest percentage of natural science students who dropped out. Of the total 341 students at Seoul National University, 275, or 80.7%, were from natural sciences. The proportion of students from Korea University was 76.4% (653) and Yonsei University was 72.7% (493).

By department, 144 students dropped out of engineering majors at Yonsei University, followed by 81 students from Korea University’s Department of Biotechnology and 61 students from Korea University’s Department of Health and Environmental Convergence.

In particular, the number of natural dropout students from three universities is on the rise. The number of students dropping out of natural sciences at Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Korea University increased by 528 over the past three years, from 893 in 2020 to 1,096 in 2021 and 1,421 in 2022.

On the other hand, the number of students who dropped out of humanities courses remained at a similar level each year, from 444 to 446 and 453 during the same period.

Even when the scope was expanded to 11 universities in Seoul, including these universities, the movement of natural science students was clear. Of the 5,518 dropouts from 11 universities last year, 2,901, more than half, were natural science students.

Lim Seong-ho, CEO of Jongno Academy, said, “The increase in the number of students who dropped out of natural sciences last year is estimated to be mostly due to the number of people who dropped out to go on to medicine or pharmacy.” ”he said.

Representative Lim said, “The phenomenon of concentration in the medical field is appearing significantly,” and “if the number of medical school recruits expands in the future, the phenomenon of moving to the medical field while attending university is expected to increase.”

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